About Mari
About Mari

Hi my name is Mari, and I work with clients to solve problems that are caused by clutter and disorganization.
I founded The Neatnik in 2002 because I wanted to reach out and serve others through my love of organizing. Since 2002 I have helped hundreds of clients make positive changes and feel better. .My passion is working with clients to transform their spaces, with the goal of transforming lives in the process.
As a hands-on Organizer I have the ability to effectively arrange and organize any space. I have the desire to help people organize their busy lives and achieve order and peace in their living environments.
My talents for organizing and my attention to detail enable me to visualize solutions for all your organizational goals. I work with you to design systems that you are comfortable with and reflect your personal needs and tastes.
I provide ideas, motivation, encouragement, information, structure and solutions that increase productivity, reduce stress, and lead to more control over your time, space, and activities. I do all this with confidence, patience, humor, and no judgement to help you become and stay organized.
My Organizing Philosophy
Decide to Decide

iscover what you have and want in your home.

liminate what is unnecessary, unused or not needed.

ategorize what remains.

mplement a system designed to match you and your families needs and habits.

edicate yourself to maintain your new system.

njoy the positive results and freedom that being organized brings.
Discover what you have and want in your home.
Eliminate what is unnecessary, unused or not needed.
Categorize what remains.
Implement a system designed to match you and your families needs and habits.
Dedicate yourself to maintain your new system.
Enjoy the positive results and freedom that being organized brings.